St Boniface Church

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8:00am Holy Communion
A said service of Holy Communion, from the Book of Common Prayer. This service meets on the 2nd Sunday of the month only.

10:00am  Holy Eucharist
Our Holy Eucharist service, taken from Common Worship includes hymns, prayers, Bible readings, sermon and communion. Sung worship is led by the St Boniface choir.  This service meets on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month with services at St Martins on the other weeks.

10:00am Messy Church
On the third Sunday of each month we have an informal Messy Church service at St Boniface Church. In Messy Church we explore stories from the Bible through crafts, games, dramas and talks. Starting with Breakfast together, we move on to worship in many different forms from singing, to reflections and activities.

4:00pm Informal Service
This service includes band led worship, bible based teaching, times of prayer and response and groups for children and youth. We have communion during this service once a month, and varying styles throughout the year. All services end with time together for tea, coffee and cake.  Please note this service does not happen on the third Sunday of the month.

6:30pm Choral Evensong
Our Evensong is a traditional and reflective service from the Book of Common Prayer, with singing led by the St Boniface Choir. This service meets on the 3rd Sunday of the month only.



5:30pm Evening Prayer
There is a service of said Evening Prayer each Wednesday lasting about 30 minutes.  At present, this is held on Zoom










