Once you have made provision for your loved ones, you have the opportunity to think about making a lasting gift to God by leaving a legacy to his Church. In our parish we welcome all gifts in wills, however large or small, and we promise to use your gift to make a significant difference to our parish.
Leaving a gift in your will is an amazing opportunity to make a final way of making a lasting difference to the future of our parish, and its mission and ministry within our local community.
Christian Stewardship
As Christians and members of our parish, many of us have been giving regularly to the mission and ministry of the parish. But we are stewards of everything we own not just our income and gifts in wills are a natural part of Christian giving.
Sometimes parish life can feel like an endless cycle of raising money to pay the bills. A gift in your will is different. The PCC have a written Legacy Policy confirming that they will use your gift to make a real difference to our future mission and ministry.
Christian Stewardship is simply about how we manage the resources, wealth and possessions that have been entrusted to us. Gifts in wills are a natural part of this and are a way of giving thanks to God for the gifts of our lifetime.
The theme of inheritance is a strong one that runs throughout the Bible, from Genesis where we witness Esau exchanging his birth right (inheritance) for some stew, right up to God’s glorious promise in granting the family of believers the privilege of being ‘co-heirs’ with Jesus Christ.
There are three types of gift you can leave. It can be:
- a specific amount of money;
- a percentage of your estate; or
- the residue remaining after payment of any legacies to individuals.
It is also exempt from Inheritance Tax which can even reduce the amount of tax your estate has to pay.
Our Legacy Policy
The PCC have a written Legacy Policy that:
- gives confidence that they will use your gift to make a real and lasting difference in the parish;
- encourage gifts be left for the general purposes of the parish;
- ensures discussion with executors about the most appropriate use of your gift in the light of current projects and any specific area you had a personal interest in;
- seeks to avoid gifts which are unnecessarily restrictive, as often the gift will not be received for some time and needs change over time;
- It will not be used to meet everyday expenditure of the parish;
- it cannot undertake to name a particular project in memory of a donor;
- it will ensure that all gifts are properly recorded.
Legacy gifts can be used to fund mission and ministry projects, help to maintain church buildings, music and investing in children and youth. For example, in the past legacies have enabled projects such as live streaming equipment to be installed at St Martin’s and St Boniface churches.
Do I need to use a solicitor?
We strongly advise you seek professional advice and to see a solicitor when making or revising your will who can help make sure that your wishes will be respected.
Should you decide to make a gift some suggested wording for a will clause is set out below:
“I give ….% of my residuary estate OR “I give the sum of £ …. (write the amount in numbers and then in words) free of all taxes to the Parochial Church Council of the Parish of Chandler’s Ford (registered charity number 1131152) in the Diocese of Winchester for its general purposes, and I declare that the receipt of an officer of the Parochial Church Council shall be a sufficient discharge to my executors and trustees.”
Require further information?
Please pick up a leaflet from the foyer in our churches, or you can download a copy below. You can also discuss gifts in confidence with a member of the clergy, the Parish Treasurer or the Gift Aid Administrator.
“Lord our God, all this abundance that we have provided for building you a temple or your Holy Name comes from your hand, and all of it belongs to you.”
I Chronicles 29