
St Boniface 10am – 3rd Sunday of each month

Starting with breakfast at 10, followed by a short, informal, engaging service and time for games and craft. It is 2 hours full of different ways to explore the Bible.


St Boniface 4.00pm 1st, 2nd, 4th & 5th Sundays

Ground Breakers is fun, engaging, age-appropriate access to church for Yr R – Yr 6. Our time together is exciting as we learn about God in creative and interactive ways and explore what faith means to us in our everyday lives. Parents leave their children to have fun whilst they remain in church!

St Martin in the Wood

Tots and Toddlers is a group for pre-school age children and their carers, parents, grand-parents or anyone else they would like to bring along! Join us for Fun, Friendship and Food. For more information please contact

St Boniface

Xplode is our afterschool club for children aged Reception to Year 6. It is on every Tuesday during term time from 4-5:30pm at St Boniface church. We have lots of club activities from active team games, to board games and craft. We also have a short thought about God and life as well. The cost is £1.50 per family, including drinks and refreshments.

Primary school assemblies

A small team go into some of the local primary schools to take a Christian assembly, based on stories from the Bible presented in a creative way with quizzes, dramas, songs and a short talk.


The Children’s Ministry is headed up by Debbie Pearce (our Children’s & School Minister) alongside a huge team of gifted, talented and dedicated volunteers. If you would like to get in touch with Debbie, you can either contact the Parish Office or email her directly.


As a Parish we adhere to all recommended safeguarding issues.  Copies of all our safeguarding policies can be found by clicking the policies below

We also have a policy for the employment of ex-sex offenders, this is available on request. If you have any safeguarding issues please contact Anne Addiss our safeguarding officer via the Parish Office

