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Holiday Club

Tue 27th August
St Boniface Church, Hursley Road, Chandlers Ford SO53 2FT

The Champions Holiday Club is for children from YR to Y6 and will introduce them to the life of Jesus and how he 'ran the race' for God.  Come along and enjoy four mornings of fun, games, craft, food and making friends.

The cost is £5 which covers snacks, crafts, and activities, if this cost is something that would stop your child from coming please contact Debbie at debbiepearce@parishcf.church  thank you. 

Once you register your child you will receive an online form in the next few days to complete which will help us with information about them. We understand some children may not be able to make all four days, so there will be a section on the form to notify us of days they will attend.

We cant wait to see you!
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